Discord Rules
Moderators can interpret offences on a case-by-case basis and hold the ability to moderate outside these rules/loopholes.
1 | Profanity
Swearing or any language of profanity is not allowed here.
2 | NSFW
Any type of NSFW is prohibited.
3 | Harassment
Harassing others or making them feel unsafe is not tolerated here.
4 | Racism
Any Kind of Racial slurs or being rude about someone's religion is not allowed.
5 | Links
Discord invite links are not allowed. Suspicious/Malicious/Scam links are also banned.
6 | Advertising
Any self-advertising will result in moderation and is strictly prohibited.
7 | Trolling
Trolling others or being dishonest is not allowed.
8 | Raiding
Raiding other ER: LC servers or raiding this server is strictly not allowed and will get you banned.
9 | Disrespect
We do not allow members to disrespect others or staff members.
10 | Bribing
We do not allow bribery here and we do not accept any sort of bribery for Perks or Features
Please make sure to abide by these rules to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all members of the server. Violation of these rules may result in warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans, depending on the severity of the breach and at the discretion of the server administrators.
Last updated